1UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMEPutting gender equality and social inclusion at the heart of NBSAPs and NDCs INTEGRATED ACTIONS FOR ACCELERATED IMPACT:2Designer: Brand and Marketing Team BERA (UNDP)Editor: Lisa Baumgartner (UNDP)Cover Photos: UNDP Sri Lanka, Andrés Estefan/ UNDP Colombia, UNDP Rwanda/Mucyo SergeAcknowledgmentsThis brief was produced by UNDP’s Nature, Climate and Gender Equality teams. Special thanks to Johana Simao for supporting as main writer and for coordinating substantive input, review and quality assurance from across teams and Country Offices, including from: Abdullah Zahiruddin Ahmad, Lisa Baumgartner, Benjamin Basmaci, Mary-Ann Bayang, Jasmin Blessing, Verania Chao, Ciara Daniels, Lhap Dorji, Marion Marigo, Georgina de Moya, Cate Owren, Lea Phillips, Thomas Pitaud, Jimena Puyana Eraso, and Christina Supples.About UNDP UNDP is the leading United Nations organization fighting to end the injustice of poverty, inequality, and climate change. Working with our broad network of experts and partners in 170 countries, we help nations to build integrated, lasting solutions for people and planet. Learn more at undp.org or follow at @UNDP.UN DisclaimerThe views expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent those of United Nations, including the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), donor agencies, or UN Member States.Copyright © UNDP 2024. All rights reserved. One United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017, USA3Table of contentsList of abbreviationsPart 1: IntroductionA. Building on a foundation of progress – and steering attention to bridging gaps Part 2: Entry points for integrated action for gender equality and social inclusion in NBSAPs and NDCsA. Effective governance: improving coordination mechanisms and institutional capacity1. Strengthening institutional arrangements and coordination mechanisms2. Improving institutional capacities 3. Stakeholder engagement and inclusive decision-makingB. Inclusive planning, implementation and monitoring4. Capacity development at the local and community level5. Data collection, analysis and knowledge generation6. Enhancing monitoring, measurement, reporting and verification systems7. Integrating women’s and Indigenous traditional knowledgeC. Finance and resource allocation8. Ensuring gender-responsive budgeting and finance that works for gender equality and social inclusion9. Incentivizing gender-responsive and socially inclusive finance and direct-access mechanisms for women, Indigenous Peoples and local communitiesD. Policy coherence and alignment10. Ensuring strong policy alignment in favor of gender equality, social inclusion and environmental sustainability11. Strengthening and aligning legal frameworksAnnexes1. Concepts and terms2. Additional recent resources on gender equality, social inclusion and NBSAPs and NDCs45810 11 11111213131416161717 18 1919 202121234List of abbreviationsCBDConvention on Biological DiversityCOPConference o