1Chapter 7A PORTFOLIO OF CO-DESIGNED RECOMMENDATIONS FOR INCLUSIVE GROWTH IN KENYA’S INFORMAL ECONOMY 2CHAPTER 7 CONTENTSAcknowledgements 4Executive Summary 6Introduction 8 Co-created visions for a thriving informal economy 11 1. We want a better future for the informal economy where… the informal economy is recognised 12 2. We want a better future for the informal economy where… there is inclusive digital tech which makes business easier 15 3. We want a better future for the informal economy where… we have access to information 19 4. We want a better future for the informal economy where… we have access to affordable ‘friendly’ finance 22 5. We want a better future for the informal economy where… policies work in favour of the informal economy 26Segment-specific co-created visions for a thriving informal economy 31 1. 🥣 Food service providers 32 Food Service Providers: We want a better future where… we have a good working environment 32 Food Service Providers: We want a better future where… we have more, good quality products 35 2. 🌱 Agri-livelihoods Agri-livelihoods 38 Agri-livelihoods: We want a better future where… we can increase our productivity and reduce post-harvest losses 38 Agri-livelihoods: We want a better future where… we can access affordable and accessible financial support 423 3. 🎤 Creatives and Entertainment 44 Creatives & Entertainment: We want a better future where… we can capture more of our value 45 Creatives & Entertainment: We want a better future where… talent and skills are nurtured and valued 48Building Together: a call for collaborative action for a thriving informal economy in Kenya 51 References 544ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThis work was commissioned by TRANSFORM and led by Brink’s team comprising Kelley Rowe, Pritika Kasliwal, Phyllis Gichuhi, Sam Stockley Patel, Alex Losneanu, and Ciku Mbugua. Embarking on this collaborative journey, engaging hundreds of stakeholders across Kenya, has been an incredible eight months filled with rich discussions and contributions from diverse voices within the ecosystem. This paper is part of a broader body of work, a vital contribution to the ‘Future of Work in the Informal Economy’ series representing the collective efforts of over 700 individuals and 80 committed organisations from across the ecosystem collectively shaping the narrative around the Future of Work in Kenya. To each person and organisation that collectively contributed along this journey, we extend our heartfelt gratitude for generously sharing your time, energy, and insights.A special acknowledgement to Hilde Hendrickx from TRANSFORM - your belief in seeking the invisible within the invisible has made all of this work possible. On behalf of all the partners and stakeholders that took part and contributed to this piece of work, we thank you for making this possible! Your visionary leadership, energy, guidance and unwavering support has been invaluable.We would also lov