N E X T G E N I N F L U E N C E : T R E N D S D E F I N I N G A N E W E R A O F B R A N D A N D C R E A T O R C O L L A B O R A T I O N © W E A R E S O C I A L 2 0 2 4AGENDAINTROTHE RIGHT TO REINVENTIONRELATABLE REALISMINFLUENTIAL ALLIESCREDIBLE CREATIVITYEXTREME INFLUENCEMETHODOLOGYABOUT WE ARE SOCIAL@sylvaninadrama@paigelorenzeN E X T G E N I N F L U E N C E : T R E N D S D E F I N I N G A N E W E R A O F B R A N D A N D C R E A T O R C O L L A B O R A T I O N © W E A R E S O C I A L 2 0 2 4INTRODUCTIONA parent explaining the health benefits of ketamine. A Manhattanite it-girl, swapping ‘NYC’s best cocktail bars’ for Connecticut's best horse riding spots. A puppet show in which children’s dolls are sent to rehab for stealing a Marc Jacobs bag. One glance at the content made by today’s creators, and we seea culture in flux. Everything from tone, to topics, to production norms have changed in the decade since influence’s infancy.In the context of dramatic industry growth – We Are Social reported a 17% increase in influencer investment last year alone, reaching a projected $56 billion within the decade – creators and brands are having to keep pace with an increasingly professionalised landscape. But it’s not just the scale of the creator economy that’s changing – the wider tectonic plates of culture are shifting, and the values of creator culture along with it. The demands of being ‘always online’ is shaping how creators work and how audiences engage.CREATOR CULTURE TODAYIS RAPIDLY EVOLVINGCreators are getting burned out and retiring from the industry and viewers are thinking critically about what makes content draining or energising. Beyond people’s screens, a cost of living crisis has made it harder for them to live (or even imagine) their dreams – and this is reflected in the dreams they want to see played out on social. 2023’s ‘deinfluencing’ showed an agile creator economy in the face of economic shifts, but also called into question how brand and influence work best together.And while the lust for original and authentic content has never been stronger, what that looks like has never been murkier. N E X T G E N I N F L U E N C E : T R E N D S D E F I N I N G A N E W E R A O F B R A N D A N D C R E A T O R C O L L A B O R A T I O N © W E A R E S O C I A L 2 0 2 4@mkbhdis a Youtuber who has addressed creator burnoutAs brands pour more attention and money into social, new tensions are cropping up: brand control vs. creator control; authenticity vs. efficacy; the need to declare content as sponsored vs. the genuine endorsement which influence requires. It’s a vibrant arena, but the ground is still shifting. As the world’s leading socially-led creative agency that’s been working with influencers since 2008, We Are Social has helped brands navigate the growth of the creator economy for the last 16 years – from its baby steps to its present