
30THE KYRGYZ REPUBLIC AND ADBPARTNERSHIP ofYEARS (1994–2024)Sector Assistance to the Kyrgyz Republic, 1994–2023Public sector management$503.7 millionEducation $177.6 millionFinance $206.5 millionAgriculture, natural resources, and rural development $252.6 millionTransport$653.5 millionEnergy$500.8 millionWater and other urban infrastructure services$100.4 million Multisector$112.6 millionIndustry and trade$26.6 millionHealth$91.9 million$2.6 billionSince 1994, ADB has committed public sector loans, grants, and technical assistance to the Kyrgyz Republic totaling2The Kyrgyz Republic in Central Asia is a highly mountainous country, yet it has been at the crossroads of several great civilizations as part of the Silk Road and other commercial routes. On 31 August 1991, Kyrgyzstan as it was then named declared independence and a democratic government was established.The Asian Development Bank (ADB) began operations in the Kyrgyz Republic in April 1994 and is the country’s largest multilateral development partner. 2024 marks the 30th anniversary of the partnership between ADB and the Kyrgyz Republic—a fruitful collaboration spanning more than 217 projects and technical assistance across key economic sectors. The operations of ADB in the Kyrgyz Republic will continue to support building resilience to climate change and disasters, strengthening governance, developing the private sector, and enhancing economic opportunities for all. Results of ADB-Assisted Projects and Programsas of 31 December 202310MILLION TONS of cross-border cargo volumefacilitated annuallyOverof power capacity added as a result of ongoing hydropower rehabilitationwith access to safe drinking water in Osh, Jalal-Abad, Bazar-Korgon, Balykchy, Cholpon-Ata, and Karakolsmall and medium-sized enterprise loan accounts opened>77,000students benefitedfrom new and improved buildings and facilities27,480 6,958 vocationaleducationteachers trainedschoolteachers kilometers>1,000of the country's major transport corridors rehabilitated370,000 urban residents and 56,000 rural residents120MW3,200 from improved health, education, or social protection servicesMILLION people benefitedOver 23199419951996199719984 £ ADB begins operations in the Kyrgyz Republic. £ The Agriculture Sector Program focuses on on-farm productivity and the profitability and incomes of farmers. £ Economic developments and prospects in the Kyrgyz Republic are included in the Asian Development Outlook for the first time. £ The Kyrgyz Republic joins the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) Program. As of 2023, CAREC has invested more than $2.94 billion in the country. These projects have helped strengthen policies and improve transport, trade, and energy infrastructure, based on the premise that better connections are key to unlocking Central Asia’s vast resources and human potential. £ The Education System Sector Development Program helps the government strengthen education services.Timeline £ Re


