
Webinar prepared for:Public attitudes towards aquatic animal welfareSeptember 2024Survey prepared for: 1. Background & research designBackground & objectives3EfA and CIWF aim to improve their understanding of citizens' awareness and perception regarding aquatic animal welfare, as well as their attitudes and choices related to seafood consumption. The current research has 3 main goals:1.Acquire updated and relevant data to strengthen the advocacy effort of EfA & CIWF and effectively address emerging issues related to aquatic animal welfare.2.Gain strategic insights to shift citizens’ attitudes towards aquatic animal welfare and understand how to move seafood consumption patterns.3.Influence the upcoming EU legislative decisions and aquaculture certification scheme developments.123Research design & sample4To answer the research questions, an online surveyof ± 12 minutes was designed, which 12 301 respondents from 12 different countries completed. The fieldwork ran from March 20th to April 5th 2024. Data were weighted in each country to be nationally representative by age, gender and region.This report highlights the results from the 9 EU countries.The 12 countries included: China, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, Spain, Sweden, The Netherlands, United Kingdom, USAPlease note that due to rounding, percentages on some graphs may add up to 101%, and the top-2 scores may differ by 1% from the actual underlying scores.Questionnaire5The questionnaire consisted of the following topics:-Background-Attitudes Towards Animals-Importance & Awareness of Aquatic Animal Welfare-Consumption Habits & Behaviour-Welfare Labelling-Socio demo & Profiling2. Results2.1 Attitudes Towards Animals8Most people agree that fish can feel pain. There is more doubt on the emotional/intelligence statements, though the trend is positive.18%10%16%13%9%13%12%7%10%7%24%27%17%17%13%29%30%37%37%26%16%22%23%23%45%0%100%Fish feel positive emotions, e.g.pleasureFish are intelligent*Fish are sentientFish feel negative emotions,e.g. fearFish feel pain*71%60%60%51%45%Top-2 %(tend to/strongly agree)“Q5. To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?” Don't knowStrongly disagreeTend to disagreeTend to agreeStrongly agree* This statement was negated in the questionnaire, as was the case in the 2018 survey (i.e. ‘Fish do not feel pain’/’Fish are not intelligent’). For the sake of uniform interpretation, the statement is reversed here in the report.Base: total sample (EU countries: n=9197)•Explicit association scores are generally a bit higher in France, Germany, Greece, Italy and Poland, but lower in Spain, Sweden & The Netherlands.•Associations of women and 18- to 34yo are a bit more positive than the other gender/age groups.2.2 Importance & Awareness of Aquatic Animal Welfare15%9%76%81%9%10%0%20%40%60%80%100%lesser extentsame extentgreater extent10Most people believe we should protect the welfare of fish just like we do for other animals


