
1Chapter 6PROSPERITY AND THE FUTURE OF WORK IN THE INFORMAL ECONOMY IN KENYA2CHAPTER 6 CONTENTSAcknowledgements 3Executive Summary 5Introduction 6Local prosperity priorities among Kenya’s informal operators 8Foundations of prosperity 9Health and Healthy Environments 12Healthy bodies and healthy minds 12Healthy, safe and secure neighbourhoods 12Opportunities and Aspirations 13Power, Voice and Influence 16 Closing comments: Ampflying participation and recognition 17Appendix 18Prosperity Index 18 Prosperity Index Methodology: Data Collection and Analysis 19Table 2 Key discussion points to develop the Prosperity Index Headline Indicators 20Table 3 Challenges of trying to earn a living in the informal economy 223ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThis work was commissioned by TRANSFORM and led by Brink’s team comprising Kelley Rowe, Pritika Kasliwal, Phyllis Gichuhi, Sam Stockley Patel, Alex Losneanu, and Ciku Mbugua. Embarking on this collaborative journey, engaging hundreds of stakeholders across Kenya, has been an incredible eight months filled with rich discussions and contributions from diverse voices within the ecosystem. This paper is part of a broader body of work, a vital contribution to the ‘Future of Work in the Informal Economy’ series representing the collective efforts of over 700 individuals and 80 committed organisations from across the ecosystem collectively shaping the narrative around the Future of Work in Kenya. To each person and organisation that collectively contributed along this journey, we extend our heartfelt gratitude for generously sharing your time, energy, and insights.A special acknowledgement to Hilde Hendrickx from TRANSFORM - your belief in seeking the invisible within the invisible has made all of this work possible. On behalf of all the partners and stakeholders that took part and contributed to this piece of work, we thank you for making this possible! Your visionary leadership, energy, guidance and unwavering support has been invaluable.We would also wish to acknowledge our local Kenyan-based research partners - Busara (Morgan Kabeer and Radha Nayer), Laterite (John DiGiacomo and Sylvia Onchaga, with data collection leadership from Martin Gichuru and Anne Wagaturi, and from enumerators Audrey Jerono, Joy Odongo, George Gitonga, Stephen Wachira, Samuel Wainaina, Maryanne Mutai, Joseph Chege, and Mariam Gatiti), ProCol Africa (Eve Njau and Jacqueline McGlade and their dedicated team of Citizen Scientists including Abdalla Koi, Abed Kipchirchir, Agnes Menya, Daniel Njuguna, David Agesa, Elizabeth Akinyi, Eric Guantai, Odhiambo Ochieng, and Sarah Gichuki), and Ideas Unplugged (Alex Maina and Lynn Muthoni), their passion, dedication, care, energy and endless support throughout our collectively co-created journey has been exceptional. A special thanks also goes to Anne Gitonga (KIPPRA - The Kenya Institute for Public Policy and Research), Alfred Sigo (Pwani Youth Network), Allan Ochola (USAID Higher Education Learning


