
ICSID ANNUAL REPORT2024Public Disclosure AuthorizedPublic Disclosure AuthorizedPublic Disclosure AuthorizedPublic Disclosure AuthorizedCover: © Shutterstock Inside Cover: © AdobeICSID is an international facility available to States and foreign investors for the resolution of investment disputes. Established in 1966 by the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States (the ICSID Convention), it is the only global institution dedicated to international investment dispute settlement. Through its specialized rules of procedure, world-class facilities, and expert legal and administrative support, ICSID provides unparalleled dispute resolution services to States and investors.ABOUTICSID1 ICSID ANNUAL REPORT 2024September 16, 2024Mr. Ajay Banga Chair, Administrative Council International Centre for Settlement of Investment DisputesDear Mr. Banga,I am pleased to submit the Annual Report on the operation of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes for approval by the Administrative Council. This Annual Report covers the fiscal year from July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2024. The Report includes the audited financial statements of the Centre, presented pursuant to Administrative and Financial Regulation 21. Yours sincerely,Martina Polasek Secretary-General1 About ICSID2 Letter of Transmittal4 Global Leader in International Investment Dispute Settlement6 Message from the Secretary-General7 Spotlight on the New Secretary-General8 Message from the President10 Becoming a Better Bank12 ICSID Retrospective14 Caseload Trends 26 Membership 30 Panels of Arbitrators and of Conciliators34 ICSID Secretariat38 Outreach and Training46 Fifty-Seventh Annual Meeting 48 Finance62 List of Member StatesLETTER OF TRANSMITTALCONTENTS3 2ICSID ANNUAL REPORT 2024ICSID ANNUAL REPORT 2024EXPERTISEICSID has administered more than 900 cases in its 59-year history, representing over 70% of all known international investment cases. The Centre’s legal counsel have exceptional experience in international investment law and procedure, while ICSID’s finance, information technology, and hearings teams ensure that all administrative aspects of a case run smoothly.FACILITIESICSID has hearing centres in Washington, D.C., and Paris, France, as well as access to the World Bank’s offices in more than 130 countries. ICSID has also entered into facilities cooperation agreements with 35 dispute settlement centres around the globe, allowing ICSID hearings to be held at their facilities. Dedicated professionals manage all aspects of a hearing, whether it is held in person, virtually, or in hybrid format.THE GLOBAL LEADER ININTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT DISPUTE SETTLEMENTRULESEncompassing rules for arbitration, mediation, conciliation, and fact-finding, ICSID provides the first and longest-standing rules of procedure that are specifically designed for international investment disputes. In 2022, ICSID completed a comprehensive modernization o


