
1Image source: Ideas UnpluggedChapter 3 400 VOICES OF RESILIENCE AND ASPIRATION FROM ACROSS KENYA’S INFORMAL ECONOMY2CHAPTER 3 CONTENTSAcknowledgements 5Executive Summary 7 Introduction - 400 voices of resilience and aspiration 9Defining informality & perceptions - what we heard across the ecosystem 10 Voices of informality: We are self-employed, hard working, passionate and resilient 11Voices of informality differs from more formal definitions 11Voices on perception: notion of informal livelihood creation is shifting 12Who are the invisible 400 voices & what are some of their lived experiences? 15The demographic and socio-economic profile 15High levels of education, with four or five dependents 15Creatives and entertainment - Dancers, actors, and street performers 16 Higher income for men, agri-livelihood strategies, and creatives 16Current income is not enough for half of our respondents 17Income is seasonal and inconsistent for most 19 Informal workers juggle multiple hustles for livelihood 193The invisible yet significant motivations, aspirations, and joys 21 Key factors that drive Kenyans to join the informal economy in the three market segments 21Necessity is a major driving factor 21Convenience enables opportunities 22Opportunities enable creation of livelihood strategies not possible in the formal economy 22 Inspiration and passion to never give up 23Factors that make work in the informal economy rewarding 23Most feel enjoyment in their work and respected by community 23Income, flexibility, and serving the community are key values 24The known yet invisible livelihood creation challenges and needs 27Lack of capital, customers, and inconsistent income 27Negative outlook on current economic situation in Kenya 27Livelihood creation segment specific challenges 29 Support needed for livelihood strategies in the informal economy to thrive 32Friendly and affordable loans, affordable inputs, access to markets, and training 32 4Closing Comments 35Appendix 36 Methodology 36Our data collection approach 375This work was commissioned by TRANSFORM and led by Brink’s team comprising Kelley Rowe, Pritika Kasliwal, Phyllis Gichuhi, Sam Stockley Patel, Alex Losneanu, and Ciku Mbugua. Embarking on this collaborative journey, engaging hundreds of stakeholders across Kenya, has been an incredible eight months filled with rich discussions and contributions from diverse voices within the ecosystem. This paper is part of a broader body of work, a vital contribution to the ‘Future of Work in the Informal Economy’ series representing the collective efforts of over 700 individuals and 80 committed organisations from across the ecosystem collectively shaping the narrative around the Future of Work in Kenya. To each person and organisation that collectively contributed along this journey, we extend our heartfelt gratitude for generously sharing your time, energy, and insights.A special acknowledgement to Hilde Hendrickx from


