2023EF SETEF Standard English Test Take the free test at www.efset.orgwww.ef.com/epi EF EPI EF English Profi ciency IndexA Ranking of 113 Countries and Regions by English SkillsTable of ContentsExecutive SummaryEF EPI 2023 Ranking of Countries and RegionsEF EPI 2023 City ScoresEF EPI 2023 Facts and FiguresEnglish and the Economy English and InnovationEnglish and WorkEnglish and SocietyEnglish and the FutureEuropeAsia Latin AmericaAfricaMiddle EastProfi ciency DetailConclusionsRecommendationsAppendix A: About the IndexAppendix B: EF EPI Profi ciency BandsAppendix C: CEFR Levels and Can-Do StatementsAppendix D: EF EPI Country and Region Rankings040608101213141617182022242628404244464748Participate in the EF EPI: take the free EF SET at efset.orgwww.ef.com/epi2www.ef.com/epi3Executive SummaryThe same benefi ts come with any additional language we learn but English is in a unique position in the modern world, not because of the language itself but because so many people speak it. The larger the English-speaking population, the more useful speaking English becomes. The value of a shared language is most perceptible in the workplace, where English opens up opportunities for individuals and boosts both diversity and effi ciency for organizations. But in fact, as we face the climate catastrophe, war and other global challenges together, the need for international communication, cross-cultural understanding and human empathy in all areas of our lives has never been greater. It is in this context that we continue to gather data about English profi ciency and publish this annual report investigating how and where English profi ciency is developing around the world.To create the 2023 edition of the EF English Profi ciency Index, we have analyzed the results of 2.2 million adults who took our EF SET English tests in 2022, with a particular emphasis on profi ciency trends around the world since the publication of the fi rst EF EPI in 2011.An illusion of global stability The population-weighted worldwide average English profi ciency level among adults has not changed since 2011, but looking back over the past decade, the picture is not one of a world in which everyone’s English stays about the same. Instead, gains in one group are off set by losses in another, as circumstances change and priorities shift. We’re a long way from the catastrophic predictions of worldwide English hegemony, but we’re also no nearer to equalizing access to the opportunities speaking English aff ords.Young people’s English is declining in some places Our youngest age group (18-20) has declining English profi ciency. However, this is a case where what looks like a worldwide trend is actually only a trend in a few large countries. In most places, youth English profi ciency has been stable, or if it has declined, that drop aligns neatly with the interruption of education systems during the pandemic. It is not yet clear if learning loss due to COVID will self-correct over time, but in su