
WORLD BANK GROUP SCORECARDFY24Public Disclosure AuthorizedPublic Disclosure AuthorizedPublic Disclosure AuthorizedPublic Disclosure AuthorizedWORLD BANK GROUP SCORECARD VISION: Our vision is a world free of poverty on a livable planet2The data presented in this document are as of end-FY2024.*Disaggregation of the client context indicators will be released on the online platform subject to data availability.This view presents all data at the WBG level for a set of 50 indicators (8 Vision indicators, 22 Client Context indicators, and 20 WBG Results indicators). It provides an overview of the WBG's performance and progress towards its goals. The Scorecard is released at the Annual Meetings of the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund in October, 2024.This view breaks down the WBG Results indicators by WBG institutions, focusing on gender, youth and FCS disaggregated results.*This view provides a breakdown of data based on select criteria such as regions, income groups, Small States, SIDS, LDCs, and disability-inclusiveness. These disaggregation criteria allow for a more detailed analysis of the WBG’s results.This document presents THREE DIFFERENT VIEWS of the WBG Scorecard:StockAchieved ExpectedFY24CumulativeAchievedJul’23-Jun’24PLANETPROSPERITYVISION: Our vision is a world free of poverty on a livable planet⟩ Percentage of global population living in poverty (at $2.15/day and $6.85/day)⟩Global average income shortfall from a prosperity standard of $25/day ⟩Number of countries/economies with high inequality⟩Global greenhouse gas emissions (Gigatons of CO2 equivalent)⟩Percentage of people at high risk from climate-related hazards globally⟩Millions of hectares of key ecosystems globally⟩Percentage of people facing food and nutrition insecurity globally⟩Percentage of people with access to basic drinking water, sanitation services, or hygiene globally9%, 46%5495418%7,86091%, 81%, 72%VISION INDICATORSPOVERTYLatest valuePEOPLEProtection for the poorestPercentage of people covered by social protection and labor programs in the total population and in the poorest quintile58%, 65%⟩ Millions of beneficiaries of social safety net programs †22226358No learning poverty Percentage of children who cannot read by end-of-primary-school age57%⟩ Millions of students supported with better education30535233Healthier livesPercentage of children under five stunted24%⟩ Millions of people receiving quality health, nutrition, and population services38157673Universal health coverage service coverage index (0 – 100)64⟩ Countries benefitting from strengthened capacity to prevent, detect, and respond to health emergencies 4251NAPROSPERITYEffective macroeconomic and fiscal managementCountries/economies at high risk of or in debt distress59⟩ Countries in or at high risk of debt distress that implemented reforms towards debt sustainability (%) †59%59%NACountries/economies with tax revenue-to-GDP ratios (including social security contributions) below or equal to 15% 5


