2024.10:推进中国 - 东南亚合作中气候韧性的主流化Climate Risks and Resilience: in Southeast Asia-China Cooperation致 谢本报告由北京绿研公益发展中心撰写并发布。感谢乐施会(香港)北京办事处对本报告的发布提供支持,本报告不必然代表乐施会观点。我们由衷感谢以下专家(排名不分先后)在研究过程中分享的宝贵经验并提出建议 : 关于北京绿研公益发展中心北京绿研公益发展中心(简称“绿研”)登记注册于北京市民政局,是一家扎根国内、放眼全球的环境智库型社会组织。绿研致力于全球视野下的政策研究与多方对话,聚焦可持续发展领域的前沿问题与创新解决方案,助力中国高质量地实现“碳中和”目标并推进绿色、开放、共赢的国际合作,共促全球迈向净零排放与自然向好的未来。© 北京绿研公益发展中心 2024本报告可免费使用和转载,请勿用于商业用途。如需使用出版,请与北京绿研公益发展中心确认,并寄送一份出版物以作存留;如需引用报告内的数据或图片,请联系作者;如需用于线上展示及传播,请直接使用本机构网站的原始链接。本报告仅代表北京绿研公益发展中心的机构观点,如有不当之处,敬请指正。本报告由北京绿研公益发展中心萧赛骞、陈蓥婕主要撰写,郭虹宇提供研究指导与支持。本报告的设计制作得益于传播团队的李明辉,以及设计师 Candy HU 的共同努力。全文配图来源:摄图网李来来 孙天舒柴麒敏陈敏鹏北京绿研公益发展中心战略指导委员会商务部研究院国际发展合作研究所生态环境部国家气候战略中心战略规划部中国人民大学农业与农村发展学院专家助理研究员主任教授About G:HUBGreenovation Hub (GHub) is an independent environmental think tank with a global outlook, registered with the Beijing Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau. GHub advances the policy development and dialogues in cutting-edge areas of sustainable development, seeks innovative solutions to quality growth, climate resilience and carbon neutrality in China and beyond, contributing to a net-zero and nature-positive future.Image credit: 699pic.com© G:HUB 2024This report is free to use and reproduce for your own publication, as long as it is not for commercial use. As the copyright holder, G:HUB does request due acknowledgement and a copy of your publication. Please contact author for citation of the data or figures. For online publication, G:HUB requests direct link to the original resource on the G:HUB website. This report only represents the views of G:HUB. Please contact us if there’re any questions or problems.LI LailaiSUN TianshuCHAI QiminCHEN MinpengStrategic Advisory Committee, Greenovation HubChinese Academy of International Trade and Economic CooperationStrategy and Planning Department, National Center for Climate Change Strategy Research and International Cooperation, Ministry of Ecology and EnvironmentSchool of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, Renmin University of ChinaExpertAssistant ResearcherDirectorProfessorAcknowledgementsThis report was produced by Greenovation Hub. We would particularly like to extend our gratitude to Oxfam Hong Kong Beijing Representative Office for providing support for the publication of this report. Please note that this briefing does not necessarily reflect the views of Oxfam Hong Kong.Special thanks to the following experts who provided us with feedback and support throughout the report’s development (in no particular order):The lead authors of this report were XIAO Saiqian and CHEN Yingjie from Greenovation Hub, with guidance from GUO Hongyu. Special thanks go to LI Minghui from Greenovation Hub and designer Candy HU for their efforts in the design and publication.执行摘要气候变化对人类社会和生态系统的影响和风险正在显著增加,构建气候韧性的经济社会是发展中国家实现 2030 可持续发展目标的关键。作为全球最易受气候变化影响的地区之一,东南亚各国正在积极寻求气候适应解决方案。受到资金、技术和治理能力等方面的限制,该地区在编制气候适应政策制定、开展适应行动等方面仍存在挑战,需要通过国际合作动员更多支持,共同助力区域气候韧性提升。同东南亚相似,中国也是气候变化脆弱性较高的国家,本世纪以来,中国南南合作的内涵、规模和领域逐渐扩大、合作形式逐渐多样化,从狭义的对外援助转向