Clean Energy Market MonitorNovember 2024The IEA examines the full spectrum of energy issues including oil, gas and coal supply and demand, renewable energy technologies, electricity markets, energy efficiency, access to energy, demand side management and much more. Through its work, the IEA advocates policies that will enhance the reliability, affordability and sustainability of energy in its 31 member countries, 13 association countries and beyond.This publication and any map included herein are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area.Source: IEA. International Energy Agency Website: www.iea.orgIEA member countries: AustraliaAustriaBelgiumCanadaCzech RepublicDenmarkEstoniaFinlandFranceGermanyGreeceHungaryIrelandItalyJapanKoreaLithuaniaLuxembourgMexicoNetherlandsNew ZealandNorwayPolandPortugalSlovak RepublicSpainSwedenSwitzerlandRepublic of TürkiyeUnited KingdomUnited StatesThe European Commission also participates in the work of the IEAIEA association countries:Argentina BrazilChinaEgyptIndiaIndonesiaKenyaMoroccoSenegalSingapore South Africa Thailand UkraineINTERNATIONAL ENERGYAGENCYClean Energy Market Monitor – November 2024 Abstract PAGE | 3 IEA. CC BY 4.0. Abstract As clean energy technologies become more integral to the energy system and energy markets, tracking their evolution with more granularity becomes more important. In March 2024, the IEA initiated a new publication series, the Clean Energy Market Monitor. This November edition of the Clean Energy Market Monitor provides an update in terms of technology deployment trends for selected clean energy technologies for the first half of 2024. In addition, it gives clean energy equipment price evolutions up to the second quarter of 2024 for solar PV, electric vehicle batteries, stationary storage batteries, and wind power. It analysis the financial performance of a selected sample of clean energy companies, in order to provide a snapshot of current market trends. Finally, it provides insights into CO2 emissions trends for the electricity sectors of the countries covered by the IEA’s Real-Time Electricity Tracker. Clean Energy Market Monitor – November 2024 Acknowledgements PAGE | 4 IEA. CC BY 4.0. Acknowledgements, contributors and credits This study was prepared by the Energy Modelling Office of the Directorate for Sustainability Technology and Outlooks. It was designed and directed by Laura Cozzi, Director of the Directorate for Sustainability, Technology and Outlooks. Thomas Spencer, Power Sector Modeller, was the lead author. The report benefited from analysis, drafting and input from multiple colleagues. The lead authors of the report were: Heymi Bahar (wind and solar PV), Peter Campbell (financial analysis), Davide d’Ambrosio (electricity sector), Chiara Delmastro (heat pumps), Víctor García Tapia (CO2 emissions), Mathilde Hui